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Abell Funeral Home providing quality personalized monuments

Did you know that Abell Funeral Home can provide you with high quality, personalized memorials?   Abell Funeral Home is partnered with a family owned monument company enabling us to...
By Todd Abell
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Previous Posts

In Grief; When Can I Stop The Process

Grief comes in three stages: the beginning, the middle, and the rest of your life.  ~ Candace Lightner How will I know when I can stop the grieving process? My friend, I have to as...

The Worst Kind of Suicide Shaming

We had a funeral last week for an elderly man who died under hospice care.  The family requested that the hospice’s chaplain, Chaplain Gerry, make a visit to their dying loved one.  Gerry...

Loneliness of Grief

The Unique Loneliness of Grief Most people don’t think in depth about the idea of loneliness. Loneliness is one of those concepts we assume we know. We equate it to the very definable concept of b...

I'm Not Crazy

It was just over a year after Dominic’s accident, and a friend forwarded an article about odd behaviors of those who were “stuck” in grief. Along with the forward was a little tag, “Reminds me of y...

Rebuilding after the death of a loved one

Rebuilding a life isn’t easy especially when we may not want to, feel like it, or know where or how to start. When just getting out of bed makes us so tired we want to crawl right back in. When we ...

Waves of Grief

Someone on reddit wrote the following heartfelt plea online:  "My friend just died.  I don't know what to do." A lot of people responded.  Then there's one older guy's incredible com...

Father's Day......

Father's Day...   By Chuck DeKlyen   This month families all over will be gathering to celebrate Fathers Day.  Families might meet for a BBQ, maybe go ca...